7th Annual WB Garden Guild Tour
Saturday, May 20 • Meet at the Recreation Center 3000 Shoreline Drive at 8:45am to Carpool! Departing at 9 am.
Join us at 9am to sneak a peek behind the fences and see some of the best and most interesting gardens in Wells Branch. Take a look at how neighbors are planting to create an oasis in the shade or a sunny paradise. We’ll visit both vegetable and flower gardens and take away lots of great ideas.
- Joan Mead |3600 Mocha Trail | Cozy backyard xeriscape with interesting lighting
- Barbara Romero | 2440 Rick Whinery Drive | Low maintenance, peaceful and pretty
- Jeaneane McNulty | 2207 Fuzz Fairway | Front yard with live oaks, turf-less water conscious with stone patio and paths, featuring rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation. Backyard is veggies, native plants and play areas
- George and Wanda Holcombe |14900 Yellowleaf Trail | Butterfly garden
- Marlene Counts | 14583 Robert I Walker | Informal English garden including stone path
- Donna Howe | 14979 Doria | Lovely, low maintenance garden
- Wells Branch Elementary School 14650 Merrilltown Drive | Vegetable gardens
- Jack and Mary Hendren | 14809 Jacks Pond Rd | Front yard is shade garden featuring rock pathway with native plants
- Glen Garey and Noe Gonzales | 14925 Jacks Pond Rd | Large, peaceful yard where they will offer some light refreshments; tea, lemonade, small sandwiches and some fruit.
Download the WB Garden Guild Tour 2017 Map HERE.
For a printable list, click HERE.