2023 Silent Auction Donations Request
WOW! It’s already time to start thinking about the WBNA Silent Auction. The annual auction is our BIG fundraiser for the year and takes place during the WB MUD 4th Fest celebration. Funds raised help to pay for all the WBNA community events: the Easter Egg Hunt, National Night Out, Pumpkin Painting and our participation in WB MUD Halloween Trunk or Treat, and the crafts at Luminary Fest as well as on-going town hall meetings, candidate forums and safety awareness sessions throughout the year.
We are excited to be hosting the auction during the WB MUD Independence Day celebration. Our hybrid format of an online auction followed by a “live” event for the final bids on July the 4th has been so successful—we are gearing up again for 2023. The LIVE event will be in our traditional venue at the WB Community Center from 9:00am – 2:00pm, July 4th. The online auction will go live the week before. Watch the WB Google Group, our website, and the WBNA Facebook page for updates. A link will also be included in our Summer Issue of the Neighborhood News.
Friday, June 23: The Silent Auction site goes live!
Friday, July 2: The Silent Auction site closes and we transition all active bids to the live event.
Monday, July 4: The LIVE auction opens at 9:00am and closes at 2:00pm. Payments and Pick Up will be from 12:00 – 5:00pm.
In addition to giving back to our community, donating to the WBNA Silent Auction is a GREAT way to promote your business! We are seeking donations of merchandise, gift cards/certificates, theme baskets, and services to auction. In return, you will receive exposure for your business at the live auction and on the auction website. There will also be a special “Thank You” section in the September issue of the WBNA Neighborhood News and on our Facebook page. The online auction has a rotating featured section along with item details and links to your site. If you have items or services to donate please email us at silentauction@wbna.us.
Along with support from our local businesses, services, and Austin area attractions, we would LOVE donations from the community. We will begin accepting donations May 15. Donations to be included in the online auction must be received by June 18. Live auction donations will be gratefully accepted through June 30. We would also like to welcome the return of baked goods donations, please contact Margaret Sufke, 512-341-0428, for details.
We are actively seeking event volunteers to help solicit items, prepare the baskets and/or work the auction. If you have any empty baskets leftover from last year, we’d love to have them! Please email us at silentauction@wbna.us and watch for the event volunteer site.
Thank YOU for supporting the Wells Branch Community!