FOL Financial Foundations Session 5:  Family Law & Estate Planning

Thursday, June 8 • 6:30pm
WB Community Center, 2106 Klattenhoff

Plan to join us for the final FOL adult educational program in the Financial Foundations series.  As highlighted in the earlier sessions, the main focus of this program is to educate all age groups on the foundations of personal finance and how to maximize your resources.  Nothing will be sold.  This is a FREE workshop, offered to the entire Wells Branch community.  Light refreshments will be provided. The probate lawyers practicing in San Diego, CA is whom you can consult to get the necessary help with property and assets.

Our final session on Family Law and Estate planning will take place on June 8th and will be lead by Mr. Brad Wiewel, a Board Certified Texas estate planning attorney with a state-wide practice with offices in nearby Georgetown.  The Wiewel Law Firm is dedicated to providing legal guidance and planning in the areas of Estate Planning and Elder Law.  For more information, visit:

At this meeting, learn how to apply basic estate planning strategies along with attorney help with estate planning to help secure your hard earned financial resources:
  • legal documents and a basic estate plan provided by business attorneys in Nashville, TN everyone should have on file regardless of age
  • ways to help secure hard-earned finances for the future
  • how to balance the costs and financial concerns of extended family situations (elder care, dependent care for disabled family members, etc.
  • learn what happens if you do nothing (e.g. fail to plan)

Start planning now to attend this final session and develop your plan for financial success. Continue reading FOL Financial Foundations Session 5: Family Law & Estate Planning

7th Annual WB Garden Guild Tour

Saturday, May 20 • Meet at the Recreation Center 3000 Shoreline Drive at 8:45am to Carpool! Departing at 9 am.
Join us at 9am to sneak a peek behind the fences and see some of the best and most interesting gardens in Wells Branch.  Take a look at how neighbors are planting to create an oasis in the shade or a sunny paradise.  We’ll visit both vegetable and flower gardens and take away lots of great ideas.

  • Joan Mead |3600 Mocha Trail | Cozy backyard xeriscape with interesting lighting
  • Barbara Romero | 2440 Rick Whinery Drive | Low maintenance, peaceful and pretty
  • Jeaneane McNulty | 2207 Fuzz Fairway | Front yard with live oaks, turf-less water conscious with stone patio and paths, featuring rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation. Backyard is veggies, native plants and play areas
  • George and Wanda Holcombe |14900 Yellowleaf Trail | Butterfly garden
  • Marlene Counts | 14583 Robert I Walker | Informal English garden including stone path
  • Vicky Linsalata | 14975 Doria | Bird and butterfly friendly native plants
  • Donna Howe | 14979 Doria | Lovely, low maintenance garden
  • Wells Branch Elementary School 14650 Merrilltown Drive | Vegetable gardens
  • Jack and Mary Hendren | 14809 Jacks Pond Rd | Front yard is shade garden featuring rock pathway with native plants
  • Glen Garey and Noe Gonzales | 14925 Jacks Pond Rd | Large, peaceful yard where they will offer some light refreshments; tea, lemonade, small sandwiches and some fruit.

Download the WB Garden Guild Tour 2017 Map HERE.

For a printable list, click HERE.

FOL Financial Foundations Sessions

Basic Investment Strategies for Long Term Financial Goals
Tuesday, May 23 • 6:30pm
WB Community Center, 2106 Klattenhoff

Family Law & Estate Planning
Thursday, June 8 • 6:30pm
WB Community Center, 2106 Klattenhoff

Join us for the final two FOL adult educational programs in the Financial Foundations series.  The main target phrase that has emerged from this educational series is: “Failing to plan now for the future, leads to a plan that fails later when you need it the most.”

As highlighted in the earlier sessions.  The main focus of this program is to educate all age groups on the foundations of personal finance and how to maximize your resources.  Nothing will be sold.  This is a FREE workshop, offered to the entire Wells Branch community. Light refreshments will be provided. Continue reading FOL Financial Foundations Sessions 4 & 5

Attn:  RRISD Parents & Taxpayers!

The WBNA hosted a brief informational presentation on the Round Rock School District’s current bond proposals up for consideration in the May 6 election on Tuesday, April 25.  Here’s the link to the recording:

Early voting continues through next Tuesday, May 2 with the general election on Saturday, May 6.  Please see the article below for polling places in Wells Branch.  We encourage you to seek information from every source, ask questions and make informed decisions.  Your vote is your voice!

A PAC has formed in support of the bonds (you’ve probably gotten the mailer) and parents have created a campaign to fight the bonds (in their current form).  In the interest of providing our residents with as much information as possible, here are links to each of their sites.  PLEASE research all sides and most importantly, VOTE! 

Pro Bond PAC:
Facebook Page:

Against Bond Groups:
Facebook Page:

Facebook Page:

To view the District’s Bond Presentation, please visit:

Attn:  Pflugerville ISD Parents & Taxpayers – Candidate Info HERE!

If you missed the opportunity to attend the Candidate Forum for the PfISD School Board, we have all the links right here for you to view both forums and access the candidates websites.

PfCONA PfISD Candidate Forum from April 19 here:

Trailer Park Show with PfISD Candidates from April 24: 

Find out more with these links to the candidates individual websites/Facebook pages:

Place 2 – Special Election (1 year unexpired term)

Place 6 – General Election (3 year term)

Place 7 – General Election (3 year term)