Thanks so much to all of you who attended NNO. We had a great showing of good old-fashioned Wells Branch community spirit! There were politicians, law enforcement and best of all friends and neighbors. The WBNA provided food and drinks and a good time was had by all!
I’m afraid I didn’t thank everyone as I should have – I got distracted and I apologize. So, on behalf of the WBNA Board, here goes…
To our distinguished guests, who didn’t have to come, but made time in their busy schedules to spend an evening with the residents of Wells Branch: We thank you!
Mark Strama, State Representative, District 50
Sarah Eckhardt, County Commissioner, Precinct 2
Adan Ballesteros, Travis County Constable, Precinct 2 and his deputies
Jim Sylvester, Chief Deputy, Travis County Sheriff’s Office
Kelly Page, Director of Community Outreach, TCSO
Detective Belinda Lorenz, TCSO
Deputy Deke Pierce, TCSO and Wells Branch resident – make sure you check out his website:
Donita Carlquist, Director, Wells Branch Library
Chris Chase from Cothron’s Safe & Lock
A special “Thank You” from me to the WBNA Board:
Lara Bennett, VP (and the lady who single-handedly puts on the Easter Egg Hunt each year) for showing up after a hard day’s work, helping set up and cooking all night! (And her son, Henry, for helping cook, too)
Mike Howe, Treasurer, who did all the shopping, helped set up, cooked and got Mark Strama out to visit with us.
Tom Cheshire, WBNA Community Liaison and MUD Board Treasurer and Safety Chair for all the work he does for our community including Neighborhood Watch, setting up and working all of the WBNA events, countless hours over the grill and just being there for any resident who has a concern over safety in Wells Branch.
Pam Wachholz, Editor, for doing a fantastic job with the newsletter each issue (even when the content doesn’t make it in on time) and always being there to help set up and run WBNA functions.
Rachel LeBansky, Secretary, for showing up and volunteering for the community in spite of what life has thrown at her lately and doing so with a smile on her face!
And thank you to our WBNA members and to all the volunteers who make time to deliver the newsletters (often with very little notice) We appreciate the time you give to our community!!!!
Thanks to the MUD Board Directors who came and showed their support of the WBNA. We’re grateful for all that you do to help make Wells Branch the great community that it is!
Donna Howe, VP
Tom Cheshire, Treasurer
Janet Maxey, Secretary
Bob Bauhs, Asst. Secretary/Treasurer
and Chuck Walters, President, who, although he was absent from our event, has always supported the WBNA.
Thanks so much to MUD employees, Keith Nett and Cande Flores who got everything set up, taken down and run smoothly (except the lights and that wasn’t your fault) and Christine Phung and Jennie Gonzalez who knocked out the bandit signs.
Thanks to Madonna Johnson and Steve Weikal for their skilled photography. I look forward to seeing the pictures.
And to Dianne Koehler for making our donation jars & membership box and helping set up and Tara Fisher who suggested we add fruit and veggies to the menu (a big hit!)
And, last, but not least, Our Amazing Neighborhood Watch Block Captains who work so hard to keep everyone in touch with each other and make our neighborhood a much safer place to live.
-Especially, Salvador & Nina Aguirre, of Gold Fish Pond & Maple Hollow who have kept their group going strong for over three years now! Welcome to the new Block Captains who signed up at NNO. I look forward to working with you.
Thank you, again EVERYONE for making our NNO so GREAT!!!
Looks like we missed out on some fun. Happy to hear about the good turnout.